Thinking Big Picture
Scripture reading: Isaiah 43, 1 Corinthians 10, and John 15
Post by: Lindsey L.
Recently, while in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, I started to feel anxious about going to a prenatal appointment. This would be my first one without my husband, as they were no longer allowing companions into the office. I began trusting in God’s might, power and will for my life and started praying that he would use me for his purpose, and present me with a witness opportunity. Maybe this would help someone else combat the anxieties and fears which currently surround us all.
I would be lying if I said I didn’t blare worship music while in my car on my way to the appointment to drown out some lingering anxieties. Once I arrived, I didn’t hesitate out of fear to get into an elevator with another woman. I could feel the tension in the waiting room as a nurse jumped up as soon as I walked in the door to take my temperature before I even made my way to the receptionist to check-in. After an awkward but brief stint in the waiting room, I got into my exam room and began chatting with my friendly nurse. She asked if I was nervous, as my blood pressure was slightly higher than it usually would be. Admittedly, I told her I was a little. But right after that I felt myself begin to tell her that I am dealing with everything by staying in my Bible and really focusing on growing and building my faith, and how it was really helping. Now it wasn’t a situation where she immediately confessed her sins and converted to Christianity on the spot, but she was so surprised and receptive to what I was telling her that I myself was a little shocked. My prayer was that a seed had been planted that would someday flourish.
When we focus less on the anxiety or fear of a situation and more on what we can do with that situation to glorify God, those feelings are often alleviated. Our focus in every situation should be less on “What is this going to mean for me?” But rather, “How can I bring glory to God through this”? Not just because it feels better for us, but because that is our purpose. I am not saying fear, anxiety, and confusion are not real battles that you or I don’t not face each and every day, but they should not be the focus of our day. When we can step back from the situation at hand, and bring ourselves back to the big picture it gives us great perspective and assurance.
Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash