Strength To Lose
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4 : 13 (NIV)
Scripture reading: Philippians chapter 4
Post by: Chris H.
You’ve probably heard these words of encouragement before. Whether spoken from a pulpit or written on the shoes of athletes, this verse from Paul’s letter to the Philippians has been used as a confidence booster for generations. The concept that Almighty God can grant the supernatural ability to meet any challenge, attain any goal, or overcome any obstacle is certainly an attractive one. But why then do we so often come up short? Was it a lack of faith that caused you to miss that crucial basket, or flunk that test, or lose that job? Or were Paul’s words simply hyperbole; not to be taken at face value?
I, for one, have missed the mark in life too many times to count. As a Christian, I’ve failed to represent Jesus in my personal interactions and in my character. As a husband and parent I’ve failed to show patience and unconditional love. As a Nurse Anesthetist I’ve failed to save lives. Now, in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, my professional incapacity comes to the forefront of my thoughts and prayers. Imperfect though I may be, I am sincere in my faith. Why doesn’t Christ give me the ability to do these things when they count the most?
Just before the oft quoted verse 13, Paul says this in verses 11 and 12:
”...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”
When Paul writes that he can do all things through Christ, he isn’t just speaking about the victories. He is talking about the strength to survive the failures, and the losses, and the tragedies that life brings and still praise God through it all. Paul can indeed do all things, not because Jesus has given him a comic book super power, but because he‘s been blessed with a supernatural contentment and perseverance that only Christ can provide.
Yes, if it’s God’s will, I will help keep someone alive today. But if I do not succeed in that endeavor, Paul’s words ring no less true. When I fail, it’s Christ that gives me the strength to stand up and try again. Through Christ, I can find contentment in whatever state I’m in. With Him I can win, with Him I can lose, and with Him I can do it all over again.
Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash